Acupuncture and Skin
Our skin is the body's largest organ! Every organ in our bodily is systemically effected. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we take this philosophy to heart not by treating individual symptoms but looking at the body overall! Acupuncture studies have shown to benefit a variety of skin-related issues such as acne (particularly adult acne), rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. It can also aid in depuffing and brightening the skin as well as having anti-aging benefits.
Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Aniston swear by the "Acupuncture Facial" for its anti-aging and collagen supporting benefits. The rush of blood flow to the face helps boost glow and radiance. It is a type of maintenance treatment, not a short-term fix like Botox. Rather, with continued treatments, it helps aid in the anti-aging process especially focusing on forehead lines, frown lines, and smile lines!